What Are You Worth?

Learning what you’re worth is one of the most important things we can do. And it may not be what you think.

Jonathan Troen, CLO
2 min readDec 28, 2020
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

I got an e-mail today. It was promoting a class that would teach you how to get paid what your worth.

I had to pause for moment.

I really respect the person that sent it.

But I had to pause….And then I cringed.

You see, I used to charge what I thought I was worth.

And it took me a while to learn this, but now I never charge what I’m worth.

Here’s what happened:

When I was first starting out, I thought I wasn’t worth a lot. So I asked for very little and people payed me very little. The problem was, that meant that my worth — me, my soul, my life, everything I have to offer — was fully connected to what someone else would pay me. If they paid me a lot, I was worth a lot. If they didn’t pay me, or offered to pay me less, I was worth less. And my personal worth could go up and down on a daily basis.

This is not a way to live. And it’s not even true.

Your self-worth does not go up and down. It’s a constant. And it’s infinite.

Your worth is not dependent on what anyone else will pay you. In fact, no one can ever pay you what your worth, because your self-worth is beyond anything anyone can fathom.

You are human and you’re priceless.

“People don’t pay you what they think you’re worth. They pay you what they think they are worth.”

The truth is, people don’t pay you what they think you’re worth. They pay you what they think they are worth. If they think they’re worth a lot, they’ll pay a lot for their own personal growth. If they don’t think they’re worth a lot, they won’t.

And what they pay has nothing to do with you. It only has to do with them. (Remember, they’re priceless, too, they just don’t know it. :)

This doesn’t mean you don’t have more to learn and places where you can grow. I do, too. We all do. And that doesn’t effect our worth.

Here’s is a proposal for you: stop connecting your self-worth to what people will pay you.

No one could ever pay me what I’m worth. Because I am priceless. And so are you.

With love,
Jonathan ❤️

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Jonathan Troen, CLO

America’s Self Love Coach and Founder of SelfLoveRevolution.com Love = Success. More Love = More Success.